This course develops on from the navigation and other knowledge acquired on the inshore skipper course. It is intended for yachtsmen who are looking to undertake more complex offshore passages.
It is a demanding theory course covering advanced navigation, meteorology, advance sailing techniques, Passage planning, rules at sea, fire safety, first aid ,marine engines etc
The evening classes are held at Nicosia on Mondays and Thursdays at 20.00 – 22.00 and the practical training during Saturdays and Sundays at Larnaca marina.
- Max. 16 students (theory)
-No. Students to instructor (practical): 8:1
-Minimum age: 17+
ISSA Offshore Skipper's Certificate is granted after practical examination on a Yacht and after covering 1600 Nautical miles (minimum two offshore trips), 50 Marina outings and 5 Night sailings.